The Mid Week News - 28/06/2017 edit 
News time, and it’s looking dangerously like this is becoming a weekly thing - it won’t last long.
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Apache Atlas has graduated from the Apache incubator
- Apache Calcite has seen a 1.13 release
Technology news:
- More thoughts from Confluent on building ETL pipelines using Kafka and streaming technologies
- An excellent article from Ozan Onay at Bradfield School of Computer Science on why technologies built for the biggest companies in the world (Google, Amazon, LinkedIn) may not be right for you
- From Cloudera - how to manage your read position when reading from Kafka
- Two new updates from Cloudera on Altus - one on workload analytics and the other on support for AWS spot instances
- A post from Sematext on the differences between Solr and Elastic Search
- A reference case from Google on how Qubit use Google Cloud Bigtable to identify (and drop) duplicate records