The Mid Week News - 05/07/2017 edit
Right - time for some updates on stuff that’s been happening over the last week.
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Apache Kafka has seen a 0.11 release, with support for exactly once semantics
Technology news:
- Heron, the streaming technology that Twitter built to replace Storm has been donated to the Apache Foundation - see the proposal and incubator page
- A couple of further bits on Heron from Adrian Colyer’s “the morning paper” - one on the architecture and one on Dhalion, their tool for dynamically managing Heron flows
- And one more from “the morning paper” on Google Spanner
- An article on S3DistCp for Amazon EMR - their tool for moving data between S3 and HDFS that also supports a range of file manipulations.
- And on the subject of S3, Scality have a blog post on s3fs, an open source tool allowing you to mount S3 buckets as a filesystem
- At at the risk of this becoming S3 week, a post from Hortonworks on using S3Guard, an extension to the Hadoop S3A FileSystem that uses Amazon DynamoDB to make access to S3 strongly consistent
- Thoughts from Curt Monash on analytics on the edge
- Part 4 of the getting started with Apache Ignite series is out
- And because it’s important that open source software pro-actively notifies users around security vulnerabilities, let’s publicise some of them here, starting with an information disclosure announcement for Apache Ignite