The Mid Week News - 23/08/2017 edit
After last weeks monster update, it very slim pickings this week - two new technology releases and a couple of (semi) interesting blog posts…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Apache HBase is prepping for it’s big 2.0 release, with a second alpha release of 2.0 announced this week. The HBase page includes a link to a presentation with more information on the 2.0 release
- Apache Knox has hit 0.13, with support for some new serivces and a bunch of improvements
Technology news:
- The latest post from Confluent in their series on how Kafka (and similar tools) can fundamentally re-shape the way you think about your architecture and the way you manage data. Well worth a read, and I’ve got a feeling we’ll be talking more about this in the future.
- A post from Hortonworks on why you need a Data Science Workbench. There’s not a huge amount of content, and the phrasing echos Cloudera’s new product, so I’m wondering why they’ve pulished this…