The Mid Week News - 18/10/2017 edit 
News news news! A bunch of new technology releases and interested blog posts for your purusal this week…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- CDH has seen a 5.13 release, with Kudu now fully bundled and Spark 1.x deprecated
- Cloudera Manager is up to 5.13
- Cloudera Navigator is up to 2.12
- Cloudera Director is up to 2.6
- Apache Phoenix is up to 4.12
- Apache Solr is up to 7.1
Other technology news:
- Microsoft have released/updated their Azure to AWS services comparison
- LinkedIn have posted about Brooklin - their internal product (planned to be open sourced in 2018) for moving streaming data around and performing change data capture on source databases
- Uber have posted about AthenaX their technology for running SQL analytics over streaming data using Flink
- An interesting post from DB Engines on multi-model databases
- Hortonworks have posted on how they test their Hadoop distribution
- A post from Google on BigQuery, and how it’s separation of data and processing gives near linear scalability, comparing it’s performance to Impala, Spark, Hive and Presto
- Cloudera have been looking at Azure Data Lake Store, concluding that [performance “compares favourably” to using network-attached Azure disk storage - link
- And another benchmark - this time DataBricks claiming that Spark Structured Streaming is 5 times faster than Flink and Kafka Streams - link - UPDATE 2018-01-05: See dataArtisans response here
- And finally, there’s a new security vulnerability in Solr - CVE-2017-12629 - a remote code execution issue