The Mid Week News - 29/11/2017 edit 
To tide you over whilst the content I promised never arrives, let’s look at the news, and it feels like a interesting crop this week…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- The Confluent platform - Confluent Open Source and Confluent Enterprise - has hit 4.0 based on the Apache Kafka 1.0 release
Other technology news:
- Cloudera have announced Altus Analytical DB - their cloud based SQL analytics service. We’ll take a deeper look at this in a few week. link
- Zenko Orbit has been announced - a web based portal for managing object storage data across multiple clouds, for example when used behind Zenko CloudServer - link
- Confluent Cloud is now generally available on AWS - link
- If you’ve upgraded to Elastic Cloud 1.1 and Kibana’s not available - Elastic have a workaround for you! link
- This is pretty neat - from “the morning paper”, a in-memory key value store implemented directly on NIC FPGAs that can do 1.22 billion KV operations per second when running on 10 NICs - link
- From Confluent, an update on transactions in Apache Kafka - link
- An update on the upcoming features in Apache Flink 1.4 and 1.5 - link
- Apache Impala has graduated from the Apache Incubator - link