The Mid Week News - 28/02/2018 edit 
News time again, and it’s a bit quieter than the monster last week…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Apache DataFu has graduated from the Apache Incubator
- Hortonworks Cloudbreak has seen it’s first 2.x GA release - 2.4
- Greenplum has hit 5.5
Other technology news:
- DataTorrent (the authors of Apache Apex) have released version 3.1 of their DataTorrent DTS product, that looks like they’re expanding their product a bit - post1; post2; ZDNet view; Datanami view
- Cloudera Atlus has a new Java SDK - link
- Google Cloud Storage now offers strongly consistent object operations through the use of Spanner - I’ve got some updates to the site around object storage consistency I’ll put live shortly - link
- A write up from Bloor on Snowflake DB - link
- Thoughts on open source software and it’s impact on Big Data from Datanami - link
- Looks like TigerGraph - the hybrid OLTP/OLAP massively scalable graph database - has launched it’s 2.0 platform. Thoughts from The Register and Datanami