The Mid Week News - 28/03/2018 edit 
Wednesday’s come round again, so let’s catch up on the news…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Apache Arrow has hit 0.9
- Apache Beam is up to 2.4
- Apache DataFu has hit a symbolic 1.4 after graduating
- Apache HAWQ has hit 2.3
- Apache Kudu has hit 1.7
- Greenplum has hit 5.6
Other technology news:
- There’s a summary on the Accumulo blog on how to export metrics to Grafana (and other metrics tools) - link
- An update from Datanami on Presto and Starburst (the commercial company that now backs it) - link
- More from Databricks and Microsoft on Azure Databricks - Databricks; Azure
- From Cloudera, deploying CDH using Cloudera Director and Ansible - link
- It looks like Apache Arrow has a new native Go implementation in the works, donated by InfluxDB - Arrow blog; Influx blog
- From Datanami, ZEPL have moved their analytics tool based on Apache Zeppelin out of beta - link
- From ZDNet, thoughts on GPU accelerated databases - link