The Mid Week News 11/07/2018 edit
It’s the middle of the week, and it’s time for the news…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Apache Ranger has hit 1.1
- Alluxio has hit 1.8
- MiNiFi Java has hit 0.5
- InfluxDB has hit 1.5
Other technology news:
- From Datanami, an article on how Neustar used Arcadia Data (now added to our Query Engines page) to better exploit data in Hadoop - link
- Confluent have a post on the upcoming features for their Confluent Open Source and Confluent Enterprise] products - link
- From DZone - is ETL still relevant in the new world - link
- There’s a new Solr vulnarability announcement - CVE-2018-8026 - XML external entity expansion (XXE) in Solr config files