The Mid Week News 22/08/2018 edit 
It’s Wednesday, so it’s time for the news again…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Hortonworks Data Flow is up to 3.2
Other technology news:
- Looks like Hortonworks have a new Kafka monitoring and management solution coming out - link
- Looks like Cloudera have a new cloud service for getting insights into your Cloudera Spark, MapReduce and Impala workloads - product page; docs
- Zenko has an update on it’s multi cloud object store controller ahead of it’s 1.0 release - link
- From the very excellent “the morning paper” - Sparser delivers an order of magnitude increase in JSON parsing - link
- From Confluent - building UDFs in KSQL - link
- New features for customising your infrastructure when using Elastic Cloud - link
- From Airbnd - details on their enterprise Change Data Capture solution SpinalTap - link
- From NewRelic - best practice for working with Kafka at scale - link
- Only last week we talked about DLab (“a platform for creating self-service, exploratory data science environments in the cloud using best-of-breed data science tools”) being submitted to the Apache Incubator - well it’s now been accepted into Incubation - incubator page