The Mid Week News 26/09/2018 edit 
The news is looking a bit deeper this week, so let’s dive in…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Apache Atlas has hit 1.1
- Apache Gobblin has hit 0.13
- Apache Hawq has hit 2.4
- Apache Kylin has hit 2.5
- Apache Parquet C++ has hit 1.5
- Apache Solr has hit 7.5
- Cloudbreak has hit 2.8 (a Technical Preview release)
Other technology news:
- Apache Pulsar has graduated to a top level Apache project - link
- Looks like Cloudera have a new cloud service (Workload XM) for getting insights into your Cloudera Spark, MapReduce and Impala workloads - product page; docs
- Facebook have open sourced LogDevice (a distributed data store for sequential data) as promise - link; homepage
- This is potentially interesting - Couchbase have bolted an Analytics Service onto the side of their database based on AsterixDB and SQL++ that supports analytical queries over JSON data - link; Datanami view
- Hortonworks have a guide on upgrading your Hadoop cluster to Hadoop 3 - link
- From ZDNet - on graph databases, and specifcally TigerGraph and Memgraph (winner and runner up for Most Disruptive Startup at Strata) - link
- Benchmark time! According to Fivetran, Azure SQL Data Warehouse is faster than Redhift, Snowflake, Presto and BigQuery - link; Microsoft view
- Big bunch of updates from Microsoft
- Azure Databricks now supports Databricks Delta - Databricks; Microsoft
- Azure HDInsight 4.0 is in public preview based on HDP 3 - announcement; deep dive
- Immutable storage for Azure Blob Storage is now generally available - link
- And on the subject of Azure Blob Storage, it now has a new Premium storage tier - link
- And from Google, Data Studio and Cloud Dataprep are now generally available - link