The Mid Week News 17/10/2018 edit 
It’s news time again…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Apache Accumulo has a 2.0 alpha release out
- Hortonworks DataPlane Data Lifecycle Manager has hit 1.2
- Hortonworks DataPlane Streams Messaging Manager has hit 1.1
Other technology news:
- Hortonworks have a couple of posts on Ozone - overview; architecture
- Confluent have another post on how event driven architectures are the future, but there’s some interesting stuff there on on-demand data stores that could be interesting from an analytics point of view - link
- From Data Artisans - checkpointing and Kafka offsets with Apache Flink - link
- A nice intro on ingestion of data into Hadoop using StreamSets - link
- Looks like Snowflake has just secured a bunch more funding - link
- Google Cloud Storage is seeing some small changes - link
- From Datanami, an update on Teradata strategy - link