The Mid Week News 09/01/2019 edit 
Hello - and welcome back. I hope you’ve had a good break. Let’s see what’s happened whilst we’ve been gone…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Cloudera have released v6.1 of CDH, Cloudera Manager, Cloudera Navigator and Cloudera Altus Director
- Apache Calcite has hit 1.18
- Apache Drill has hit 1.15
- Apache Knox has hit 1.2
- Amazon EMR is up to 5.20
- Hortonworks Data Analytics Studio has hit 1.2
- OpenTSDB has hit 2.4
- Elasticsearch has a 7.0-alpha2 release out if you’re brave/interested
- Apache DataFu] is up to 1.5
Other technology news:
- Alibaba has acquired Data Artisans, the backers of Apache Flink - Datanami
- The Cloudera + Hortonworks merger is now complete - Cloudera; Hortonworks; The Register; ZDNet; Datanami
- It’s a new year, so everyone has their review of 2018 and look forward to 2019 articles out - ZDNet; ZDNet again; And again ZDNet; Datanami
- Hudi, which we looked at recently, has just been submitted to the Apache Incubator - link
- Cloudera has a new edition of Cloudera Data Science Workbench coming that runs over Kubernetes (instead of Hadoop) as is targetted at Machine Learning in the cloud called Cloudera Machine Learning - announcement; ZDNet view
- There’s more on the move to more restrictive open source licences to combat the exploitation of open source technologies by cloud providers - Datanami; Influx
- Via DBEngines - a proposal for GQL, a new standard graph query langage - link
- Apache Airflow is now a top level project - link
- Apache Gearpump (a streaming service based on a micro-service Actor model) which was incubating has now been retired - link