The Mid Week News 29/05/2019 edit 
It’s that time of the week again, so let’s look at the news.
Next week however, we’re going to try something slightly difference. We’ll do the news daily (ish) over our twitter account (@OnDataEng) for those that like Twitter, with this weekly post then summarising it for those that like RSS/newsletters, with the format of this weekly post likely to change over time.
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- NiFi Registry has hit 0.4
Other technology news:
- Cloudera have a post on Conjuctive access control groups in Solr document level access control - link
- Firstly from Confluent - Schema Registries and why you need them, and an intro to Confluent Schema Registry - link
- And as a follow up from Confluent - 17 ways to mess up your Confluent Schema Registry - link
- From The Morning Paper - improving memory compression by compressing objects not cache lines - link
- Via Solutions review, Syncsort DMX Change Data Capture is now Syncsort Connect CDC - link; home page
- Autoscale is now in preview with Azure HDInsight - link