The Mid Week News 07/08/2019 edit 
Another big dump of new releases and product news this week. Remember, you can get daily news updates from our twitter feed (@OnDataEng)…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Elasticsearch and Elasticsearch-Hadoop 7.3 are now out
- Alpha 2 of Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes is also out - link
- Cloudera Enterprise 6.3 is out, with upgrades to Kafka, HBase, Impala and Kudu
- Cloudera Altus Director is also up to 6.3
- Confluent Enterprise and Confluent Open Source are up to 5.3, with support for Kubernetes and Role Based Access Control
- Apache Beam 2.14 is out
- Apache Accumulo 2.0 is out, with a new fluent API, Bulk Import API, custom table stats, prioritisable scan executors, and of course, official Docker support
- Amazon EMR 5.25 is out, with a couple of Spark performance improvements
- StreamSets Data Collector 3.10 is out, with support for ingesting data directly from NiFi
- Delta Lake, the open sourced Databricks Delta, is up to 0.3 - link
Other technology news:
- From ZDNet, DGraph - an open source graph database written in Go - has just received a funding round - link
- If you’re interested in Brooklin, the open source tool from LinkedIn for moving streaming data around, InfoQ have a presentation for you - link
- MapRs long running will they/won’t they saga has come to an end with their purchase by HPE - Datanami ask why - link
- From Cloudera, best practice for deploying Apache Hadoop, including your Linux configuration - link
- An intro to Prefect, an evolution of Apache Airflow to support modern data applications - open source with commercial backing - link
- Looks like Microsoft has purchased BlueTalon, which could mean better fine grained access control over your data ecosystem in Azure - link
- Amazon have announced PartiQL, an evolution of SQL and SQL++ for querying relational, NoSQL and other structured data - link