The Mid Week News 14/08/2019 edit 
It’s time for the mid week news again. Remember, you can get daily news updates from our twitter feed (@OnDataEng)…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Looking for a Kafka alternative, Pravega has just had a 0.5 release
- Apache Ranger 2.0 is out - be interesting to see what the convergence roadmap with ApacheSentry is
- Hue 4.5 is out, with a bunch of improved SQL integrations and Kubernetes/Docker support
Other technology news:
- From Datanami, (shock/horror) why Data Catalogs are important, and what some of the options are - link
- If you’re learning Apache Kafka, Confluent now have an entire site of tutorials for you - link
- From Amazon Web Services, deploying data lakes using AWSLakeFormation - link
- Via InfoQ, details on how Badoo handle 20 billion events per day, staring LiveStreamingDaemon (an open source replacement for Facebook’s Scribe), ORC, HDFS, Exasol, Spark and CubeDB (an in memory multi-key counter store) - link
- Couple from Datanami - firstly their latest thoughts on the future of Hadoop - link
- And also from Datanami, an update on Lucidworks who provide Apache Solr based products, and who’ve just secured a new funding round - link
- More information on AWSLakeFormation, this time from InfoQ - link