An Update
So if you’ve been following this site, it’s probably become clear that the pace of updates has slowed quite considerably - unfortunately at this moment I don’t have the same time available on a regular basis that I did a few months ago.
So for the next few months until things quieten down I’m going to change my strategy a little. There will still be (semi-regular) updates, however these will appear as and when they’re ready, and they’ll be no posts on a Monday with any sort of commitment for what will happen that week. We will keep up with the weekly news updates however, to make sure we’re staying on top of the technologies we’ve looked at to date.
And we’ll try and get a few more contributors involved - if you’re interested in contributing of helping in any way then please do get in touch.
The Mid Week News - 17/01/2018
After last weeks bumper edition, we’re back to normal this week…
The Mid Week News - 10/01/2018
It’s the first news back after the Christmas break, so brace yourself - it’s a massive bumper jam packed edition…