The Plan For This Week - 08/01/2018
Welcome back - I hope you’ve had some time off and a relaxing break, I certainly have.
It’s time to get back into it, however before we push on I’m going to take this week just to catch up with a bunch of minor updates to existing technology and technology category pages based on stuff that’s happened over the last few months that I’ve not had time to fold into the site.
Expend a bumper news update on Wednesday, and a post on Friday with some details of the changes.
The Week That Was
So I’ve been looking at self service data preparation tools this week, and it’s fair to say that once again the topic at hand has turned out to be far much more that I expected…
The Mid Week News - 13/12/2017
It’s time for your weekly dose of the news, but don’t worry, it’s a fairly light one this week…
The Plan For This Week - 11/12/2017
So we looked at data ingestion tools last week, however there was once type that we didn’t include that I want to look at this week, and that’s data wrangling tools - tools designed for the one off manual ingestion of data, focusing on quickly and easily cleaning and standardising data from whatever form it’s in into a standard form for onwards processing.
See you at the end of the week…
Thoughts on Data Ingestion Technologies
So we’ve been looking at data ingestion technologies - let’s talk about it…