The Plan For This Week - 11/09/2017

Right - time for a new week.

The observant among you may have spotted that we’re working our way through data storage and database technologies before we make a start on data transformation. There’s not far to go - graph databases and analytical databases are the big ones, but we’ll touch on data format libraries (Avro, Parquet et al) as well before we finish, and I need to have a think about whether I want to cover any more NoSQL technologies.

But this week, I want to look at data virtualisation technologies - those that allow you to query over and across data stored in multiple underlying platforms. As always, we’ll publish a technology category page on Friday along with some thoughts, and try and crank out some technology summaries during the week.

Thoughts on In Memory Databases

So this week has been a bit of a mess, with late posts and no technology summaries. My apologies - I’m going to blame technology issues, and promise that it won’t happen again (even though it undoubtedly will).

Anyway, this week I’ve been looking at In Memory Databases, and I’ll warn you in advance that there’s going to be heavy use of quotes around “in memory”…

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The Mid Week News - 06/09/2017

Although it’s a quiet week this week, we’re still got time for the news…

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The Plan For This Week - 04/09/2017

Good morning, and welcome back.

This week we will mostly be looking at in memory databases, grids and whatever else they want to call themselves. If I come across some interesting technologies I’ll try and knock out a couple of technology summaries, but my guess is that most of this week will be spent reading to try and get my head around this space.

So news on Wednesday, a technology category page and associated thoughts on Friday, and maybe a technology summary or two somewhere along the way.

Thoughts on Time Series Databases

It feels like it’s been a bit of a rush this week (probably because I lost a day due to public holidays), but let’s quickly summarise what we’ve learnt this week about Time Series Databases

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