The Plan For This Week - 29/08/2017
Yes - it’s a Tuesday and not a Monday. Apologies, forgot to say on Friday that it was a public holiday in the UK this Monday, and therefore they’d be no update. I hope you’ll forgive me.
So, a shorter week this week. The plan is to look at event series databases, both for analysing external event data, but also as a capability for analysing event logs and metrics that our analytical systems may generate.
The Week That Was - 25/08/2017
So, a bit of a mixed bag this week, but what did we look at.
We started with three technologies summaries from Jeff Moszuti, looking at Apache Kylin, Apache Beam and Dell EMC REX-Ray. We then finished up the week by looking at Zenko and Spark Structured Streaming.
The Mid Week News - 23/08/2017
After last weeks monster update, it very slim pickings this week - two new technology releases and a couple of (semi) interesting blog posts…
The Plan For This Week - 21/08/2017
Something slightly different this week - I’ve got a bunch of technology summaries to put live, most of them from Jeff Moszuti (who contributed all the recent Mesos stuff), so we’re going to do a random week. Five technology summaries, with no relationship to each other and no overlying theme.
See you on Friday for the wrap-up…