Thoughts on Analytical Search
Yes, the date on this post says Friday 7th, and it’s being published well after that, but let’s pretend it’s Friday and summarise some thoughts on analytical search.
The Mid Week News - 05/07/2017
Right - time for some updates on stuff that’s been happening over the last week.
The Plan For This Week - 03/07/2017
So this week I’m planning to look at search technologies.
One of the things I want to dig into and explore is the role of search in analytics - search to support users finding stuff on your website, or to find stuff in your enterprise document management system is one thing, but what role does it play if you want to analyse and understand data.
Which means we’ll probably limit our technology list to those technologies that support analytics rather than just search, but let’s see how we go.
See you on Friday…
Streaming Data Stores
So this week we’ve been looking at streaming data stores, technologies for the buffering and long term storage of continuous data streams for consumption by multiple downstream consumers.
And as part of that look, I’ve updated our Apache Kafka pages, and we’ve taken a look at some new technologies - Pravega, the new kid on the block, and Confluent Open Source and Confluent Enterprise, Confluents offerings built around Kafka.
So let’s spout some thoughts on streaming data stores and the technologies we’ve looked at this week.
The Mid Week News - 28/06/2017
News time, and it’s looking dangerously like this is becoming a weekly thing - it won’t last long.