Amazon S3 edit  

An object store service with eventual consistency, focusing on massive durability and scalability, with support for multiple storage tiers (including Amazon Glacier and Glacier Deep Archive) and deep integration to the AWS ecosystem. Objects are organised into buckets and indexed by string, with the option to list objects by prefix and to summarise results based on a delimiter allowing a filesystem to be approximated. Metadata against objects is managed via S3 Object Tags, key-value pairs applied to objects that can be added, modified or deleted at any time. Lifecycle management policies can be assigned to name prefixes or object tags to automatically delete objects or move them between storage tiers. Supports versioning of objects, access control (at the bucket or object level), retrieving subsets of objects via server side queries (S3/Glacier select), batch operations (including Lambda function exection), replication of objects and metadata to a bucket in a different AWS region (cross-region replication), encryption of objects and support for SSL connections, immutable blobs (via Glacier Vault Lock), full auditing of all object operations, analytics on object operations, multi-part uploads, multi-object deletions, a flat-file output of object names and metadata (S3 Inventory), downloads via the bittorrent protocol, static website hosting and time limited object download URLs. Quotes a 99.999999999% guarentee that data won't be lost, with data stored redundantly across multiple devices and facilities within the chosen region, and scalability past trillions of objects. Provides a web based management console, mobile management app, a REST API and SDKs for a wide range of languages. First launched in March 2006.

Technology Information

Other NamesSimple Storage Service, S3, Glacier, Amazon Glacier
VendorsAmazon Web Services
Last UpdatedMay 2019
