Apache Accumulo edit  

NoSQL wide-column datastore based on BigTable. Supports horizontal scalability, cell based access control (based on arbitrary boolean expressions of user security labels), high availability, atomic read-modify-write operations, map reduce support (both as a source and sink), table constraints, LDAP and Kerberos integration, the use of HDFS for underlying storage, and replication between instances. Comes with a web based monitoring interface (Accumulo Monitor) and a CLI. Written in Java, with thrift based API allowing access from other languages including C++, Python, Ruby. Originally developed at the NSA, donated to the Apache Foundation in September 2011, before graduating in March 2012, and is still under active development.

Technology Information

Other NamesAccumulo
VendorsThe Apache Software Foundation
TypeCommercial Open Source
Last UpdatedAugust 2019 - v2.0

Related Technologies

Add onsApache Fluo
Manageable viaMuchos, Uno
Is packaged byHortonworks Data Platform
Add on toCloudera CDH

Release History

versionrelease daterelease linksrelease comment
1.82016-09-06release notes 
1.92018-04-23release notes; critical bug fix release 
2.02019-08-02release notes 


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