Apache Ambari edit 
Platform for installing, managing and monitoring Apache Hadoop clusters. Supports the installation of different versions of different distributions of Hadoop through Stack definitions (with support for HDP out of the box, and further stacks and add ons available through management packs), and the specification of Blueprints (cluster layouts and configuration for a given Stack) that can be used to programmatically create multiple clusters (e.g. dev, test and production). Also supports both rolling (no downtime) and express (faster but with downtime) upgrades; cluster administration (including adding and removing nodes/services, viewing the status of nodes/services, and configuring services with the versioning of configuration and the ability to rollback changes); the automated Kerberization of clusters; the collection, storage (in HBase) and visualisation (via Grafana or through dashboards in Ambari) of system and Hadoop component metrics via the Ambari Metrics System (AMS); alerting on statuses and metrics; the collection, storage (in Solr) and searching/viewing of log entries from across the Hadoop cluster (currently in technical preview); and a framework for UI components within Ambari (Ambari Views, treated here as a sub-project). Web based, with a REST API, and backed by a backend database (Oracle, MySQL or Postgres). Donated to the Apache Foundation by Hortonworks, IBM and Yahoo in August 2011 as the Hadoop Management System (HMS), graduating in December 2013 after changing it's name to Ambari. Still under active development with a large number of contributors. Technology Information
Other Names Ambari Vendors The Apache Software Foundation Type Commercial Open Source Last Updated July 2018 - v2.7 Sub-projects
Apache Ambari > Ambari Views Framework within Ambari that allows new applications or views to be added to Ambari, based on new client side code (HTML, JavaScript and CSS) supported by new backend code (Java) that exposes REST API end points for the UI to consume. Comes with support for a number of views out of the box, including YARN Queue Manager (supports the creation and configuration of YARN capacity schedule queues), Files (supports copying and moving, uploading and setting permissions on files in HDFS), Falcon (supports defining, scheduling and monitoring data management pipelines), Hive (supports browsing databases, executing queries and viewing explain plans, saving queries, viewing query history and uploading data to Hive tables), Pig (supports executing Pig scripts and viewing execution history), SmartSense (supports capture and download of bundles), Storm (supports viewing cluster status, monitoring topologies, perform topology management and access metrics and logs) and Tez (supports viewing and debugging Tez jobs), along with technical previews of Workflow Designer, Zeppelin and Hue migration views. Views can be deployed into a standalone Ambari instance to separate these from the primary Ambari management instance and to support scaling out. Related Technologies
Manages Hortonworks Data Platform, Hortonworks DataFlow Release History
version release date release links release comment 2.5 2017-03-24 release notes changes Hortonworks post 2.6 2017-10-31 release notes 2.7 2018-07-13 blog post; blog post; release notes Links
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