Apache Bigtop edit 
An Apache open source distribution of Hadoop. Packages up a number of Apache Hadoop components, certifies their interoperability using an automated integration test suite, and packages them up as RPMs/DEBs packages for most flavours of Linux. Also includes virtual machine images and vagrant, docker and puppet recipes for deploying and working with Hadoop. Does not patch projects for distribution, but requires any fixes to be made upstream. An Apache Open Source project, started by Cloudera, donated to the Apache foundation in June 2011, graduating in September 2012, with a 1.0 release in August 2015 based on Hadoop 2.6. Since donating the project, Cloudera have backed away from it, with the project lead moving to Pivotal in December 2013. Now has a broad range of contributors, however usage by the major distributors is not clear. Technology Information
Other Names Bigtop Vendors The Apache Software Foundation Categories Hadoop Distributions Type Open Source - Active Last Updated June 2019 - v1.4 Related Technologies
Release History
version release date release links release comment 0.5 27th Dec 2012 blog post first release as TLP 0.6 22nd June 2013 blog post 0.7 6th Nov 2013 blog post 0.8 6th Oct 2014 blog post 1.0 17th Aug 2015 blog post based on Hadoop 2.6 1.1 17th Feb 2016 blog post 1.2 2017-03-30 added Flink, Tajo, Apex, QFS and GPDB; 1.2.1 patch released 1.3 2018-11-26 blog post Hadoop 2.8.1 1.4 2019-06-17 blog post Hadoop 2.8.5 and a new integration test framework Links
Blog Posts