Apache Falcon edit 
Data feed management system for Hadoop. Supports the definition, scheduling and orchestration (including support for late data and retry policies) of data processing pipelines (referred to as processes, with support for Ozzie, Spark, Hive and Pig jobs), the management of the data produced and consumed by these pipelines (referred to as feeds, with support for data in HDFS and Hive) and the generation and visualisation of pipeline lineage information, all across multiple Hadoop clusters. Also includes the ability to mirror or replicate HDFS and Hive data between clusters, to failover processing between clusters and to import and export data using Sqoop. Supports both a web and command line interface and a REST API. An Apache project, graduating in December 2014, having been originally donated by inMobi in April 2013. Hasn't yet reached a v1.0 milestone, is seeing very little development activity, and as of HDP 3.0 will no longer be distributed by Hortonworks. Technology Information
Other Names Falcon Vendors The Apache Software Foundation Type Open Source - Quiet Last Updated March 2018 - v0.11 Release History
version release date release links release comment 0.11 2018-03-12 release note Links
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