Apache Phoenix edit  

A SQL query engine over Apache HBase tables that supports a subset of SQL 92 (including joins), and comes with a JDBC driver. Supports a range of features including ACID transactions (via Apache Tephra), user defined functions, secondary indexes, atomic upserts, views, multi tenancy tables (where each user or tenant can only see their data) and dynamic columns (which are only specified at query time). Supports a range of SQL DDL commands, creating and modifying underlying HBase tables as required, or can run over existing HBase tables in a read only mode. Comes with connectors to allow Spark, Hive, Pig, Flume and MapReduce to read and write Phoenix tables, and a number of utilities, including a bulk loader and a command line SQL tool. Open sourced by SalesForce in January 2013 at v1.0, donated to the Apache foundation in December 2013, before graduating in May 2014. Commercial support available through Hortonworks as part of HDP, with Cloudera making it available via Cloudera Labs without support. Active project with a range of contributors, including many from SalesForce and Hortonworks.

Technology Information

Other NamesPhoenix
VendorsThe Apache Software Foundation
TypeCommercial Open Source
Last UpdatedJuly 2018 - v5.0

Related Technologies

Is packaged byApache Bigtop, Hortonworks Data Platform, Amazon EMR

Release History

versionrelease daterelease linksrelease comment
5.02018-07-14announcementHadoop 3.0 and HBase 2.0 compatibility


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