Apache Tez edit  

Data processing framework based on Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), that runs natively on YARN and was designed to be a replacement for the use of MapReduce within Hadoop analytical tools (primarily Hive and Pig), and therefore offer better performance with similar scalability. Targeted more at application developers rather than data engineers, includes a number of performance optimisations (including dynamic DAG re-configuration during execution and re-use of sessions and containers), and comes with a UI for viewing live and historic Tez job executions based on information in the YARN Application Timeline Server. Created by Hortonworks and donated to the Apache Foundation in February 2013 before graduating in July 2014. Still under active development, and now used by Cascading and Flink in addition to Hive and Pig.

Technology Information

Other NamesTez
VendorsThe Apache Software Foundation
TypeCommercial Open Source
Last UpdatedAugust 2017 - 0.9

Related Technologies

Is packaged byApache Bigtop, Hortonworks Data Platform, MapR Expansion Pack, Amazon EMR, Google Cloud DataProc, Qubole Data Service

Release History

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