Apache Zeppelin edit  

A web based notebook for interactive data analytics. Supports a wide range of interpreters (including Spark, JDBC SQL, Pig, Elasticsearch, Beam, Flink, Shell, Python amongst many others), a range of output formats (plain text, HTML, mathematical expressions using MathJax and tabular data), a range of visualisations for tabular data (including the ability to add more via a JavaScript NPM based plugin system called Helium), forms for user entry of parameters, and an Angular API to enable dynamic and interactive functionality within notebooks. Has a plugable storage for notebooks (with out of the box support for git, S3, Azure and ZeppelinHub), support for multi-user environments and a security model. Open sourced by NFLabs (now called ZEPL) in 2013 before being donated to the Apache Foundation in December 2014, graduating in May 2016. Under active development with a wide range of contributors, led by ZEPL, who sell Zeppelin as a managed service (previously called ZeppelinHub, now just called Zepl).

Technology Information

Other NamesZeppelin
VendorsThe Apache Software Foundation, ZEPL
TypeCommercial Open Source
Last UpdatedJuly 2018 - 0.8

Related Technologies

Is packaged byApache Bigtop, Hortonworks Data Platform, Amazon EMR, Qubole Data Service

Release History

versionrelease daterelease linksrelease comment
0.72017-02-05release note 
0.82018-06-28release note 


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