Elasticsearch-Hadoop edit 
A suite of open source components for querying and writing documents to Elasticsearch from a range of Hadoop technologies, including MapReduce, Hive, Pig, Spark, Cascading and Storm. Specific functionality includes InputFormat and OutputFormat libraries for MapReduce, a Hive storage handler allowing external tables to be defined over Elasticsearch indexes, read and write functions for Pig, Java and Scala RDD based libraries for Spark, Spark SQL support, Spark Streaming support, an Elasticsearch Tap for Cascading and a dedicated Spout and Bolt for Storm. Used to include functionality for writing snapshots of Elasticsearch indexes to HDFS which is now part of the Snapshot and Restore functionality in Elasticsearch. Certified with CDH, MapR and HDP. Technology Information
Other Names ES-Hadoop Vendors Elastic Type Commercial Open Source Last Updated August 2019 - v7.3 Related Technologies
Add on to Elasticsearch Release History
version release date release links release comment 5.5 2017-07-06 announcement; release notes Hadoop 1.x and Elasticsearch of YARN Beta deprecated 5.6 2017-07-06 release notes 6.0 2017-11-14 announcement; release notes Spark streaming support and removal of Elasticsearch on YARN beta 6.1 2017-12-13 release notes One bug fix! 6.2 2018-02-06 announcement; release notes Custom error handlers 6.3 2018-06-13 announcement; release notes Spark 2.3 support 6.4 2018-08-23 announcement; release notes 6.5 2018-11-14 announcement; release notes 6.6 2019-01-29 release notes 6.7 2019-03-26 announcement; release notes Cascading support deprecated; Elasticsearch Kerberos support 6.8 2019-05-20 release notes Compatibility release 7.0 2019-04-10 announcement; release notes Java 8 or higher; Cascading deprecation 7.1 2019-05-20 release notes Compatibility release 7.2 2019-06-25 release notes Compatibility release 7.3 2019-07-31 announcement Compatibility release Links