Data Analytics Studio edit 
A DataPlane application for running Hive queries, managing Hive tables, and diagnosing Hive query performance issues. Supports a query editor (with autocomplete, a visual explain plan, performance improvement recommendations, saved queries and results downloading), a query search tool (with pre-defined queries for expensive, long running, non-optimised and failed queries, a range of filters and saved searches), a database management tool (supporting searching, browsing, interrogation, creation and modification of databases, tables, partitions and columns as well as uploading of data from local storage or HDFS) and table impact reporting (showing reads, writes, projections, aggregations, filters and joins by table and column, with support for dynamic heatmaps overlaid on entity relationship diagrams). Requires a Ambari mangement pack (the DAS engine) to be installed on all clusters. Technology Information
Type Sub-Project Parent Project Hortonworks DataPlane Last Updated July 2019 - 1.3 Release History
version release date release links release comment 1.0 2018-09-12 Initial GA release 1.1 2018-11-17 release notes 1.2 2018-12-21 release notes 1.3 2019-07-13 release notes Links