Hortonworks SmartSense edit 
Supports the capture of diagnostic information from HDP and HDF clusters (including configuration, metrics and logs from both Hadoop and the Operating System) into a bundle for upload (either manually or automatically) to the Hortonworks support portal to assist in the resolution of support issues and the delivery of cluster optimisation and preventative action recommendations, with support for anonymisation (including IP addresses and host names, with support for further custom rules) and encryption of information in bundles and a SmartSense gateway to proxy uploads if direct internet access isn't available. Also includes functionality to help understand and analyse cluster activity include the Activity Analyser (aggregates data from YARN, Tez, MapReduce and HDFS into Ambari Metrics) and Activity Explorer (an embedded instance of Apache Zeppelin with pre-built notebooks for exploring and visualising cluster activity). Installable and manageable through Apache Ambari. Part of the Hortonworks support offering, introduced in June 2015 as part of HDP 2.3. Technology Information
Other Names SmartSense Vendors Hortonworks Type Commercial Last Updated July 2017 - v1.5 Related Technologies
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version release date release links release comment 1.4 2017-04-13 release notes 1.5 2017-07-13 release notes Links
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