Hue edit  

Web application to allow users and administrators to work with a Hadoop cluster. Features include a SQL query tool (with auto-complete, a SQL expression builder, plotting results as a graph or on a map, and the ability to refine results) over any JDBC compatible database, a Pig query tool (with auto-complete and parameterised queries), a Solr search tool (drag a drop creation of Solr dashboards with grid, timeline, graph, map and filter widgets, a tool for indexing data into Solr and a Solr index browser), a query notebook (Spark, PySpark, Scala, Hive, Impala, Pig and R queries along with visualisation of results as graphs and maps), an Oozie management tool (graphical Oozie workflow, coordinator and bundle editors and an Oozie monitoring and management dashboard), an Apache Sentry configuration tool (for managing permissions to Hive tables and Solr collections), an HDFS and S3 file browser and manager (including the ability to upload and edit data), a YARN job browser (viewing logs and statistics), a Hive Metastore manager (browse, view sample data, create and manage databases and tables), an HBase table manager (browse, view, edit, create and manage tables), a Sqoop2 manager (create, manage and execute Sqoop2 jobs), a ZooKeeper manager (list, view and edit) and a user workspace for saving work done in Hue, organising this in folders and sharing it with other users. Originally released by Cloudera as Cloudera Desktop in October 2009, before being open sourced as Hue in June 2010. Python/Django based, under active development with a wide range of contributors, and available for all major Hadoop distributions.

Technology Information

Other NamesHue
TypeCommercial Open Source
Last UpdatedAugust 2019 - 4.5

Related Technologies

Is packaged byApache Bigtop, Cloudera CDH, MapR Expansion Pack, Amazon EMR

Release History

versionrelease daterelease linksrelease comment
4.02017-07-31announcement UI detailsNew UI
4.22018-04-04announcement; blog posts 
4.32018-10-17announcement; blog posts 


Blog Posts