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A distributed and resilient Amazon S3 API compatible object storage gateway / proxy. Utilises Zenko CloudServer (previously S3 Server) to provide an S3 compatible API, to proxy requests to either Scality RING, Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage or Google Cloud Storage, and to provide persistent local storage or transient in-memory storage. Current solution is a Docker Swarm stack of a cluster of Zenko CloudServer instances with nginx as a front end load balancer. Manageable via Zenko Orbit, a cloud based portal. Roadmap includes support for Azure Blob Storage, support for other container management systems such as Kubernetes, plus two new sub-projects - Backbeat (which will provide policy-based data workflows such as replication or migration) and Clueso (which will provide object metadata search and analytics using Apache Spark). First released in July 2017, and hosted on GitHub under an Apache 2.0 licence. Technology Information
Other Names Zenko Multi-Cloud Data Controller Type Commercial Open Source Last Updated April 2018 Sub-projects
Zenko > Zenko CloudServer Open source object storage server based on the S3 compatible API from Scality RING, with the ability to proxy requests to other S3 services (with support for Scality RING, Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage and Google Cloud), or to store data in persistent local storage or transient in-memory storage, with support for concurrent use of multiple backends. Supports broad compatibility with the Amazon S3 API including bucket and object versioning, and has been tested against a range of Amazon S3 utilities, CLIs and SDKs. Written in Node.js, available as a Docker container, and can be deployed and used independantly of the rest of Zenko. Metadata and (locally persisted) data is managed by a data and metadata daemon (dmd), with the option to use a shared remote daemon (for example when running a cluster of CloudServers). First released in June 2016 as S3 Server before becoming being renamed to CloudServer and becoming part of Zenko in July 2017. Hosted on GitHub under an Apache 2.0 licence. Links
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