The Mid Week News - 07/06/2017 edit  

We interupt the current broadcast for another (semi regular) catchup up on the news…

New technology releases (details are on the relevant technology pages):

Other technology news:

  • Cloudera have released Altus (blog post; tech details; announcement, a service for running data engineering jobs (Spark, Hive and MapReduce) in the cloud on on-demand clusters. One for us to dig into further in the not too distant future I think.
  • Confluent have announced a cloud based offering of their Apache Kafka based solution, although it’s only in early access at the moment
  • Cockroach DB, a distributed SQL database that could be regarded as an open source version of Google Spanner has hit 1.0
  • AirBnB’s Superset has been donated to the Apache Foundation. This is well worth a look - it looks like an extreemly capable data exploration platform
  • Pravega is a new open source streaming storage system from Dell/EMC - see here for an introduction

Technology updates:

Interesting blog posts: