Hortonworks Data Platform edit  

A distribution of Hadoop based on a commitment to the Apache open source ecosystem. All bundled projects are Apache open source projects based on official Apache project releases, with any patches for bug fixes or new features being official Apache project patches pulled from later releases of the relevant project. Available as RPMs, through Apache Ambari (for local installs) or Cloudbreak (for installation on cloud platforms), and as an on-site or in the cloud managed service (as Hortonworks Operational Services). Comes with a number of add-ons that aren't part of the core product, including HDP Search, Hortonworks HDB and ODBC and JDBC drivers for Hive, Spark SQL and Apache Phoenix. The HDP software is available free of charge, with training, consultancy and support available from Hortonworks, including a flex support subscription, a consumption based model for the use of HDP on-premise or in the cloud. Also available for IBM Power Systems. The Hortonworks Data Platform was first released in June 2012.

Technology Information

Other NamesHDP
CategoriesHadoop Distributions
TypeCommercial Open Source
Last UpdatedDecember 2018 - 3.1

Related Technologies

PackagesApache Accumulo, Apache Atlas, Apache Calcite, Apache DataFu, Apache Druid (Incubating), Apache Hadoop, Apache HBase, Apache Hive, Apache Kafka, Apache Knox, Apache Livy, Apache Oozie, Apache Phoenix, Apache Pig, Apache Ranger, Apache Spark, Apache Sqoop, Apache Storm, Apache Superset (incubating), Apache Tez, Apache Zeppelin, Apache ZooKeeper
Add onsApache HAWQ, Hortonworks Data Platform Search, Hortonworks SmartSense, Hortonworks Cybersecurity Package
Manageable viaApache Ambari, Cloudbreak
Is packaged byAzure HDInsight

Bundled Technologies

The base Apache project versions bundled with each version of HDP are shown on the HDP home page, as well as on the first page of the release notes (see Links section below for link to latest release notes). Details of the features in these releases that Hortonworks don’t support, and the patches that have been applied to these releases are also available in the release notes, along with known vulnerabilities, fixes from previous versions and known issues. Note that DataFu and Livy are referenced in the release notes but not on the HDP home page.

Notable packaged software changes:

Release History

versionrelease daterelease linksrelease comment
2.62017-02-28announcement; release notesSee notes above for tech changes
3.02018-07-13early access announcement; GA announcement; release notes; Hive 2x perf 
3.12018-12-12release notes; New Kafka use casesKafka 2.0; Kafka Streams; Hive+Druid over Kafka

A version of the Hortonworks Data Platform for Windows (HDP for Windows was available, however was discontinued in August 2016 with the last release being HDP 2.4. A specific product for running HDP on AWS (Hortonworks Data Cloud for AWS) was also available, but was discontinued with the release of HDP 3.0 and the move to a multi cloud strategy.


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