The Mid Week News 24/04/2019 edit
It’s a light week for the news, but let’s have a quick look anyway…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- None this week
Other technology news:
- ODBMS Industry Watch has an interview with Merv Adrian of Gartner on his views of the current database market, Hadoop and the Cloud - link
- An nice deeply technical blog post from the Pravega team on how it provides performant support for events of any size - link
- From Cloudera - fine grained access control on Impala over Kudu - link
- From the Knoldus blog - are Knowledge Graphs (see our Graph Databases tech category) the future of Data Lakes - links
- Microsoft have open sourced Data Accelerator for Apache Spark, a tool for simplifying creating streaming pipelines - link
- Google have a bunch of updates they’ve announced for Google Cloud DataProc - link
- From Elastic, what’s new in Lucene 8 - link
- From DataBricks, using Spark with S3 Select - link