The Mid Week News 26/06/2019 edit 
It’s time for our weekly news summary again, and it’s a but of a bumper week. Remember, you can get daily news updates from our twitter feed (@OnDataEng)…
Technology updates (details are on the relevant technology pages):
- Greenplum 5.20 is out
- Apache Kafka 2.3 is out
- Apache Calcite 1.20 is out
- Elasticsearch 7.2 is out
Other technology news:
- More from Datanami on MapR, who are apparently close to finding a buyer for the company - link
- Hue now supports Apache Atlas as a metadata catalog backend - potentially worth a look if you’re an HDP user - link
- From Datanami, (an enterprise knowledge graph vendor) has brought Capsenta, who have a relational database to knowledge graph virtualization bridge - link
- DatabricksRuntime 5.4 is out, including DataBricksConnect, auto optimisation of table layouts and support for the AWS Glue metastore - link
- AWSGlue now supports workflows - link
- Qubole think that using Amazon S3 Select (where filters on S3 queries are run server side) can speed up Apache Spark processing by 2.9x - [link](
- Bloor have a Market Update on hybrid real-time operational/transactional and analytic processing - [link](
- SwiftStack have announced a Data Analytics storage solution build on SwiftStackStorage, SwiftStack1Space for multi-cloud federation and Alluxio for in memory caching and federation over HDFS - [link](
- Cloudera have just run a preview of CDP, which they’re calling an Enterprise Data Cloud - [link](
- Datanami have their latest views on the future of Hadoop - [link](
- Oracle have rationalised their analytics products under a single brand - ZDNet has the scoop - [link](