Hortonworks edit 
Hortonworks is a commercial company focusing on products that support the exploitation of data both at rest and in motion. Their business model is to provide support and professional services for a range of Apache open source technologies which they package and distribute for free. They are therefore extreemly active in the Apache open source space, with committers on all the technologies they distribute, and with a history of donating projects to the Apache Foundation that they have either initiated or acquired. Hortonworks was formed in June 2011 by ex-Yahoo employees. Hortonworks have two primary offerings - Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP), a fully open source distribution of Hadoop, and Hortonworks Data Flow (HDF), a distribution of (primarily) Apache NiFi, Kafka and Storm for processing data in motion. The linked technology pages include further information of the options for deploying and managing these products. They also provide Hortonworks DataPlane Service, a commercial product for managing and governing data, and Hortonworks Operational Services, a subscription service whereby Hortonworks engineers and support personnel manage your HDP or HDF instances on site or in the cloud. Hortonworks also offer the Hortonworks Cybersecurity Package (HCP), a cyber security platform built on HDP and HDF that’s based on the Apache Metron open source project, and which is installable and manageable via Apache Ambari. Hortonworks have strong partnerships with both Pivotal and IBM, with those companies reselling Hortonworks products (primarily HDP), and Hortonworks reselling their products - specifically Apache HAWQ / Pivotal HDB (as Hortonworks HDB, an addon to HDP), IBM Data Science Experience (DSX) (a public or private cloud based web based notebook for interactive data analytics), and IBM BigSQL (a SQL engine that runs on Hadoop over Hive tables). Hortonworks have donated a number of projects to the Apache Foundation including Ambari, Tez, Knox, Ranger and Slider. They also have a number of non-Apache open source tools including Cloudbreak, Schema Registry and Streaming Analytics Manager, all of which Hortonworks have suggested they will donate it to the Apache Foundation.Vendor Technologies
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